Friday, September 01, 2006

Movies-n-Stuff: The Return

Sorry its been so long since my last entry, Leslee and I have been dealing with the hairy beast we call life and all of the gigantic turds its been leaving around. Anyway, in between being addicted to a bunch of television series (Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 5, Weeds, Simpsons Season 8, Arrested Development Season 3 and my guilty pleasure, Veronica Mars) Ive watched some movies.

Movies Watched:

Snakes on an extremely overhyped but fun nonetheless Plane

Hopscotch (1980)

Little Miss Sunshine

Murder By Death (1976)


Modern Romance (1981)


Movies Re-watched:

Natural Born Killers

Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure (My brother-in-law Garys favorite movie of ALL-TIME!)


Snakes on a Plane: Where to begin? Should I start with the snakes? With the Plane? Or the overabundance of total absurdity that makes this movie somehow watchable. It doesnt lie. It is what it is, man. Snakes+ plane+ absurdity=fun movie.


This movie is not just about snakes and planes. The snakes actually get on the plane and they kill people.

Hopscotch (1980): This is basically a James Bond movie starring Walter Matthau . Which makes it better than most any 007 flick. Mr. Matthau plays an aging CIA agent who gets down graded to a desk job and isnt happy. He then decides he is going to travel the world and write a tell-all book revealing all of the CIAs secrets and sending it to them copies chapter by chapter until the book is done. Lets just say the CIA isnt too happy about it and they go on a crazy wild goose chase all over the world to try and find him. Walter Matthau has monkey lips.

Little Miss Sunshine: I saw this and SOAP on the same day! What a day that was!! I laughed really hard while watching this. I would even say it was a hearty laugh. Not much of a plot: just a dysfunctional family, including a heroin-snorting grandpa, a motivational speaker, a gay uncle, a mute kid and a little girl who dreams of being a beauty pageant winner, taking a road trip together. Unfortunately, the bright yellow VW van they travel in is also dysfunctional. Some of the laughs are cheap, but theyre still laughs and I appreciate that. The cast is great, especially Alan Arkin. I give it four out of five golden sandwiches.

Murder By Death (1976): The plot: a millionaire, played by Truman Capote, who probably shouldnt have ever acted, ever, invites the 5 most brilliant private eyes in the world to a dinner to try and pull one over on them, and by one, I mean a murder.AMAZING cast: Peter Falk, Alec Guinness, David Niven, Peter Sellers, Maggie Smith, Eileen Brennan and a fairly young looking James Cromwell. Its a lot like the movie Clue but more clever and better actors. Check it.

Brick: A very stylish film noir about a dude whos ex-lady friend goes missing and he slithers his way through the underground high school crime syndicate trying to find clues to her disappearance. Its written perfectly for its category and well acted by a bunch of up-n-comers. I couldnt help thinking of Bugsy Malone while watching it. I highly suggest it.

Modern Romance (1981): Albert Brooks is so hairy. He took his shirt off in this movie and, unfortunately, thats all I can remember. I think I blacked out after that. Actually, I was really disappointed. I think Albert Brooks is hilarious, but nothing happens in this. Its just boring. One weird thing is that it co-stars James L. Brooks. Unfortunately, hes not funny either.

Bartleby: I love Crispin Glover. Hes such a weirdo and seems to pick really strange projects. But this movie was a total waste. Nothing happens. Its awful.

Were probably going to see The Illusionist this weekend. Im pretty stoked. Also, if were lucky, we might get to go see Nacho Libre at the dollar theater. Another thing, I wasnt sure if I should mention it or not, but, I also saw The Ringer starring Johnny Knoxville. Im trying to put the whole ugly mess behind me. Just dont mention it.

Coming up on the queueueueueueueu:

More Curb Your Enthusiasm

Tristam Shandy: a Cock and Bull Story

101 Reykjavik


Blackballed: the Bobby Dukes Story

More Veronica Mars

Reno 911: Season 3

Bunny Lake is Missing (1965)


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