Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Movies-n-Stuff: In 3-D

I spent this long 4th of July weekend with my sister, Anna, and her brand new husband Gary (also known as "that hairy mexican guy", although he is niether hairy nor Mexican). We had fun! We ate alot and sat alot. We even played video games while we ate and sat...It was fantastic!!

So anyway, since the last blog, I've watched a crap ton of movies.

Movies watched:

Superman (2006)
Dave Chapelle's Block Party
The Red House
Cache (Hidden)
Cannibal Holocaust
The Dying Gaul
Wolphin Vol. 2 (a collection of short films)

Movies Rewatched:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Back to the Future
Night of the Living Dead

As much as I know everyone wants me to write a whole paragraph on each of these movies, I just don't have the time. Stop pressuring me, people. I'm only one man.

Movies liked:
Cache (Hidden) - I loved this movie. But, without giving anything away, it does not end the way you want it to end.
Dave Chapelle's Block Party - Although, it is recommended that you like some of the bands in this movie to really enjoy it. He's not really being the same Dave Chappelle from his TV show.
Wolphin Vol. 2 - A great collection of short films. Just the menus on this DVD are worth checking out. This is another great product from Mcsweeney's . The name Wolphin comes from an animal that actually exists. When a Bottlenose Dolphin and a False Killer Whale get it on, they can actually spawn a Wolphin. Is that not the coolest thing ever?
Three...Extremes - Three short films, all very extreme. They start out great and get sequentially not as great, but this is definitely worth checking out. Leslee only had to cover her eyes 2 or 3 times.

Movies felt indifferently about:
The Dying Gaul - I was expecting a lot more from this movie. I love peter Sarsgard, Patricia Clarkson and Campbell Scott, but this was not up to their standards. I wasn't bad, but there are some plot holes. Patricia Clarkson's character goes from nicest person in the world to most evil in a matter of seconds. The way she handles the situation she is put in is just not believable at all.
Superman - Kevin Spacey is the perfect Lex Luther, but, I felt like Brandon Routh was doing a Christopher Reeve impression, which was weird, and worst of all, I thought what's her face who played Lois Lane had about as much screen presence as a dead flounder. She just about ruined it for me. I did like the story, though. It seemed like it came straight out of a comic. Very simple and fun.
The Red House - Although this title starring Edward G. Robinson is not the best in the box I've been wanting to tell you guys about these cool box sets you can get from Amazon. 50 movies for about $15. I've gotten the "Dark Crimes" box and the "Horror" box. This movie was from the "Dark Crimes" box. So far, I've really enjoyed the "Horror" box. It's got the original "Night of the Living Dead", "Carnival of Souls", "House on Haunted Hill", "Nosferatu", "The Brain That Wouldn't Die", and many more. If you watch a lot of movies they're perfect. Mostly in black and white, and mostly off titles that I've never seen. I'm stoked.

Movie not liked:
Cannibal Holocaust - bad dubbing, bad acting, very offensive (and not in a good way). Just don't bother. I was VERY disappointed.

Let me know if you've seen anything good. If you can't tell, I'll watch just about anything.


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