Wednesday, July 19, 2006


So, Leslee and I went to see the documentary "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" on Friday. It is fantastic, and I encourage everyone to go see it. If you are familiar with Daniel Johnston, it gives you a good insight into his personal life and the hell he's caused and been through. If you are not familiar, it's even more exciting. He's an exceptional talent, with a serious bipolar disorder and a crazy singing voice. He's also a pretty amazing artist.
If you live in Tallahasse, it's playing at Miracle 5. Check it.

Also, I re-watched David O. Russell's "Flirting with Disaster". It's still funny, but kinda dated. The soundtrack made me want to gouge my eyes out. Very early 90's crap rock (the theme-song to friends comes to mind). But, overall it's still funny. George Segal and Mary Tyler Moore are great together.

"Bloody Sunday" was the next on the list. It's was a recreation of Bloody Sunday in Derry, Ireland in 1972. It was very well done. It is interesting, though, It made me think more of the director's (Paul Greengrass) other movie "United 93", which I have not, and probably will not see. What I've heard about "United 93" is how he basically recreated the situation as realistically as possible. So, knowing that, almost made "Bloody Sunday" more realistic to me. It made it scarier.
I think it's interesting, too, how I have no interest in watching "United 93", but I will watch "Bloody Sunday" with no problems. I think the reason for that is I didn't know much about Bloody Sunday and I lived through 9/11. I don't feel like going through those emotions again. I think if I lived in Ireland in 1972 I probably wouldn't want to watch "Bloody Sunday" either.

And, finally, there was "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance". Holy crap. One of the most gruesome movies I think I've ever seen. It's the first in Chan Wook Park's revenge trilogy. The second being "Old Boy" (which is fantastic) and the soon to be released "Lady Vengeance" (which I will see, but probably at home,as opposed to the theater, so Leslee can flee into another room during the unbearable parts).
"Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" is by far, much more violent than "Old Boy". The direction in the movie is great. Park has a style all his own. I definitely suggest the movie, but it is not for the weak of heart or stomach. I think this movie has one of the most painful looking death scenes in movie history. Watch it and see which death scene (and there are many....many) I'm thinking of. If you like death and revenge and human kidney-eating and stabbing, you will love this movie.

Anyway, sorry for the long blog. I just figured I watch enough movies, maybe I should put that to good use, and let my friends know which ones to avoid and which ones to see. Sorry for any spelling, grammatical, errors.

"I love commas and quotation marks. Don't You?", Dan said. Then he ate his own kidney.

P.S. Watching the Nicolas Cage movie "The Weather Man" is kind of like chugging a gallon of sour milk.


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